LED curtains: LED spheres or LED dots
The LED curtains or LED dots are connected spheres that are illuminated by LED light and are controllable and programmable by DMX.
The translucent material of the balls, allows to create multidirectional animations , providing a great volumetric sensation in the space where they are displayed.
The strips containing these LED spheres can be arranged in groups, to achieve a wide surface to play with; we can also project texts with messages that run along all of them.
They are a perfect choice to complement the lighting of a stage , for example, on the sides or back.
Our led dots have been used in video clips , for example, in this one of the famous singer Dua Lipa :
Nuestros LED Dots aplicados en diversos entornos y actividades, aportan volumetría y color, dinamismo y profundidad visual. En el video clip de Dua Lipa, los LED Dots son protagonistas de la escenografía.
Led RGB - difusor 5cm - pitch de 20cm
funciona por tiras de 1m (max 6m) cada driver admite 5 tiras
Sobre efectos especiales:
Sobre hologramas:
The LED curtains have other uses, and can be easily integrated into spaces for corporate events, not only in shows or concerts.
We have even used the LED curtains in Christmas events as an exit door for the Three Wise Men. An original way to give way to relevant characters through a luminous passage .
Their light structure makes them easy to transport and install.
In short, these chains of LEDs are a very attractive effect to draw attention through LED lights or as a decorative background element that provides extra spatiality and brightness .