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Smoke, sparks, bubbles, bubbles and butterfly confetti!!! promotes tourism in colombia

Smoke, sparks, bubbles, bubbles and butterfly confetti!!! promotes tourism in colombia

On February 25, we were in Príncipe Pío , Madrid, to accompany our friends from La Banda L in their celebration and promotion of Colombian tourism through the premiere of the latest Disney movie : "Encanto". For this, a group of dancers offered a number during the afternoon in several passes. A caravan with props from the movie and special effects that decorated the space and filled it with volume thanks to bubble, smoke and sparkle machines was chosen as the stage . Confetti in the shape of colorful butterflies was also launched every time the show ended. LED light balloons provided ambient lighting at the back of the stage, vinyl-covered with butterflies. At the front, 12 battery-operated LED spotlights adorned the stage staircase. In addition, to create a complete experience, 2 aroma machines were added. In this case, with the smell of coffee, so associated with Colombia. Paraddax The public of all ages wanted to come and participate in this colorful and dynamic event.

La banda L - Encanto - Disney- Príncipe Pío - FX -Paraddax -2022-02-25
La banda L - Encanto - Disney- Príncipe Pío - FX -Paraddax -2022-02-25

Cliente: La Banda L
Localización: Príncipe Pío (Madrid).

Como escenario se eligió una caravana con atrezzo de la película y efectos especiales que adornaban el espacio y lo llenaban de volumetría gracias a máquinas de pompas, de humo y chispas. También se lanzó confeti con forma de mariposas de colores cada vez que terminaba el show.

Además, para terminar de crear una experiencia completa, se añadieron 2 máquinas de aromas. En este caso, con olor a café, tan asociado a Colombia.

Client: La Banda L Material: 2 sparkular mini sparklers, 2 smokejet colored smoke machines, 2 bubble machines, 2 confetti cannons , 2 Fragbox Pro 3 coffee smell machines, light balloons, 12 smartbat.
